We are dedicated to providing and defending a private, unbiased Internet experience for all of our subscribers. Wicked treats all bandwidth on its network equally and does not give preferential treatment to any traffic based on the type, origin, or destination. Moreover, we do not inspect the traffic and believe all users on our network are entitled to a private and anonymous interaction with the Internet.

An open Internet fosters innovation, learning, economic growth, and equality. Throughout our network, Wicked strives to provide the best, fastest routing to desired content regardless of account type, or location of content or Internet protocol. We do not and will not engage in any toll practices with other Internet Service Providers or Content Providers.

The business of providing the Internet and the principles of network neutrality are often misunderstood so here is the outline of how we implement network neutrality at Wicked Fast Internet.

1. Our customers pay us to deliver the entire Internet.

2. All packets are treated equally.

3. We do not accept payment from content providers to increase the prioritization of their packets or to decrease the prioritization of a competitor's packets.

4. We do not pay content providers to deliver service to our network.

5. We adjust our peering relationships often to provide the best routes possible for our customers.

6. It is normal for a customer's experience with each website to be different. The customer's experience is a combination of Wicked Fast Internet' network performance, the en route and destination's network performance, and the distance to the destination.